I am feeling all the cliche “love” vibes today. All the love stories, Hallmark movies and fairy tales .

Happy Valentine’s Day my sweet friends! ❤️ Spreading some delightful love right here.

Cheers to the magic of memories and authentic love. 

xx Heather


Over the past 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of forming connections and building relationships with numerous incredible humans. Some have come to me with stories of success, some with heartbreak, and some just needing me to tell their “now” story. Oftentimes I just wish to thank them for what they brought into my life and the valuable lessons they have taught me, and have also gifted our world. Many talented artists, many brilliant entrepreneurs, and extraordinarily passionate people from all walks of life. In fact, so many that I couldn’t even begin to count them all. Each and every one has inspired me.

This beautiful soul, that I am sharing with you all today- radiates joy. She glitters. Peace pours from her heart. The feeling is overwhelming at first. Well, for me it was. But I left her presence as a better human than when I had arrived. In just a few short hours, I captured a little snapshot into her beautiful world and her divine business. (Although, I still would argue that her business is loving humans.)

Enjoy a few highlights of Jan and her precious brand.

xx Heather


Hi friends!!

Back again. Catching you all up on some of my latest projects and fun endeavors.

You all know in the world of family photography, capturing those candid moments and genuine smiles has always been my passion. However, a recent epiphany had me realizing that the dining table is often the heart of those moments. It wasn’t long before I found myself venturing into the realm of commercial & lifestyle food photography.

From the sizzle of a steak on the grill to the delicate drizzle of a signature sauce, each shot aims to capture the passion and dedication behind the culinary creations. It’s a visual feast, where every image invites the viewer to savor the experience and, perhaps, pay a visit to the establishment.

So, here’s to the unexpected twists in our creative journeys, to the fusion of family warmth with the sizzling excitement of the culinary world. Join me on this mouthwatering adventure as we explore the delightful intersection of family, lifestyle and commercial food photography.

Cheers to visual delights, unforgettable tastes, and a feast for the senses,

xx Heather

Well Hello October

In classic Heather style, I am just now getting back to my blog to update you guys! ❤ That doesn’t mean I don’t love you- it’s just the very last thing on my list these days. Truly. I do wish I had more time to get on here and share, but until my kiddos are all in school that probably won’t happen. The good news is… I am still alive and dancing PLUS I am still photographing beautiful humans endlessly. Take that as a win win!!

I try my best to share my images, stories and life on Instagram and Facebook as much as possible- but even that comes later on my list. I just want to soak up all the time I have with my family, friends and capturing memories for all those who choose to come my way. I love watching my clients grow up in front of my lens, year after year. And lately it has seemed to be going faster than ever. Tiny newborn babies I photographed 9 years ago are little, grown people. They’re telling me stories of their lives and who their first crush is. How does this happen so quickly. Goodness.

I need to stop myself before I go down that long road of memories.

North Carolina has been insanely hot this year and although it is October, we are still rocking the 95-100 degree weather. All of us (especially photographers) are begging for a cool break with some glorious Fall color.

My fall mini sessions are in full gear now so I won’t be coming back up for air until mid December. But here are a few images that are from the past couple months- for more you’ll want to find me on social media. 🙂 I hope everyone is ready to enjoy a beautiful Fall and joyful winter! Thanks for keeping up with my crazy world!

xx Heather

First Day of Spring!

North Carolina has handed up hot sunny days and snow all in the same exact week. WHAT is going on?! I am so pumped to say Happy First Day of Spring. I hope NC gets the memo too.

I wanted to give you all a quick update on our Momtog Photography class from this past weekend. Mind blown. I didn’t know exactly what to expect with this first class but it was magical. I keep thinking back to the first time I picked up my first DSLR, and how I was completely lost. What I would’ve given to have a class like this at my finger tips. All the tricks and simple ways of learning the basics so we can actually capture our kids in decent photos. I think everyone learned a ton and had a blast while doing so. Shooting one on one with each photographer/momtog was key in my opinion. Hands on and VERY eye opening for all of us. I’ll share some photos at the end of some of the girls in action! 🙂

In other news, lots of babies are being born and lots of spring sessions are happening over here. Here are a few fun moments from the past week!! Hope you enjoy!!


The Graves Family added a new member to their tribe late last year, sweet lil Olivia- and I was honored to come to their home and capture some fun, real-life moments!! We had such a great time!DSC_1678 copy copy

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Then I spent time with the precious Lozeau Family in uptown Charlotte- and we danced and played in the rain!! We did get some “dry” moments too, but it was a blast either way! Their little man, Julian was such a sweet boy! I hope you enjoy a few of their memories!!

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and lastly…a few pics from our momtog class! 🙂



Rewind to 2017 Fall/Winter

Let the images flow…and I smell spring right around the corner!! Lots of fun things going on this year and I can’t wait to share them all with you.  ❤ ps- there are SOOO many more families and kiddos that I didn’t add here, but goodness this was another incredible year!!

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Davidson, NC                                                                                                                                                                      March 20, 2017


A few personal pics since I shared my own last…..all sorts of images, including iPhone pics (mostly)too! It’s a hard share for this mama!! So many ups and downs! But we are amazingly blessed! 🙂 Just real life over here!! Best camera to use is the one you have on you!! Now a family of 7!! YAY!!! All the details of our 2017 family story is a couple posts back! 🙂 Enjoy!! xx

PS- I’ll try to post in order!

Jan 11, 2017 ❤  Isla Drew came into this world and our lives will never be the same again! Perfect gift from God!!

straight to the NICU…I never left her side.

FINALLY leaving the NICU ❤ headed home!!

our only picture with our favorite bulldog Dozer before he flew to heaven to chew on endless bones and snore away his days. 😦 He was always there beside his babies, protecting them relentlessly. Miss you Dozer!!

after Isla’s first bath!

And our Sunday quickly turned a corner…here is her first photo in the ER. The beginning of a very very long road. #holyemotions

This is right after they intubated her…I never left her side. Never will.

the INCREDIBLY prayed for day…they removed her tube!! 🙂

a letter from our oldest son, Cade ❤

finally free of cords and wires and tubes!!! Hallelujah

free to go home!!! Go girl go!! 17 days of hell behind us!

so happy to be home with my other babies!!!

Beyond grateful.












Oh Hi There Pretty Friends!!

Davidson, NC                                      {FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHY}   {CHILD PHOTOGRAPHY}   {NEWBORN PHOTOGRAPHY}


Blog life…hmmm it’s not for me. Although, I think I’d be really great as an actual blogger. Like if that’s all I had to do. Just write about my crazy days and family and friends. I’d keep you guys entertained for a lifetime. For real. But unfortunately, this is just how I share a little bit of my passion and life with everyone. I wish I spent more time sharing…but it’s rough finding the extra time. Between the stacks of emails, memory cards, schedules, editing, more scheduling, learning, playing with my crazy boys, keeping my kiddos alive, keeping my doggies alive, keeping up with laundry, endless meals for everyone and well let’s be real- the endless list of to-dos….I’m just not sure how anyone has time to add blogging to their list.

I started this post last night, but then didn’t have time to finish it…so I’m back at it this morning. See what I mean?! Summer has been a whirlwind and I just dropped off our first little stud muffin to his first day of 2nd grade.  I was doing fine until the radio played a depressing song for moms called “slow down”…yeah, I may have shed some tears. It really slaps you in the face. The years are flying by. Summers home with 4 kids are super long, but in reality I already miss it. The chaos will one day be completely different chaos, and I’ll miss every moment of the craziness that we’re in now. I am thankful for photos, and iPhones. I do my best to capture it all before it disappears. Ok done venting.

So I can’t even remember the last sessions I shared with all of you but I will share some from my last month of fun! I will also do my best to share more with you all during this CRAZY fall/winter season of sessions! I am so blessed with such extraordinary clients and cannot wait to see everyone again this year! ❤ I love you guys and cheers to school being back, pumpkin pies, and cool crisp air. YES!!!


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Denali 4 months

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It’s that time.

Davidson, NC                                                      {family photography} {child photography} {newborn photography}


It’s that time again. Time to share some of my recent beauties with all of you. I wish I was better with this, but I’m not.  We have had a super busy Spring so far and I have a feeling it isn’t going to slow down anytime soon! Maybe in July we will get a minute of chill time in front of the pool. But until then…we work.

Since I usually offer mini sessions only in the fall, I decided to offer a few weekends of minis this spring as well. (due to popular demand) Weekends have been slammed with gorgeous families and babies and I can’t complain! Plus the weather is starting to show it’s love again!

Everyday my coffee tastes as amazing as the day before…it reminds me of how my photography is to me. I love capturing friends, family and change everyday. It always tastes good. Each day there is a new story to tell. I love it best when I spend time with long-time clients and they express how they adore looking back through the years of photos I’ve captured. Their lives have changed, and so has mine. All in front of the camera. ❤

Ok enough rambling…no one has time for my babbling emotions. Check below for some fabulous people. That is all.

Until next time…xxoo

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Blythe baby

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Spring fun!!! Bring on SUMMER!!!

Charlotte, NC    {family photography} {child photography} 

Another month passes…and I am still behind with blogging. darn. Actually it’s a month and a half to be exact. May is such a busy and fun month though. May brings on all the beautiful flowers and people…with very little rainy ruined days! NC has been blessed with incredible weather so I’ve had barely a moment away from my camera or computer. So many brand new baby miracles, graduates starting onto a new page in their lives and families coming together and sharing their stories with me and my camera. It has been full of blessings!  And since today is the first day of June, I thought I’d celebrate with a new blog post and flood your eyes with my gorgeous clients! ❤

GOAL OF THE MONTH: I am going to try to bring my camera out for my own little dudes more…so hopefully I’ll have some new photos to share with all of you soon! And one day I will start a mom blog with all the ridiculous/hilarious stories that happen to us or around us on a daily basis. Maybe that will be next month’s goal. Seriously- you guys wouldn’t even believe all the craziness that goes on around the Ras home! 🙂

Bring on Summer and all it’s awesomeness!

xo Heather

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and last but certainly not least our amazing friend Michelle has a community of friends, family and loved ones that have continued to support her through her 2nd battle with cancer…We love you <3MWA!

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