Hi friends!!

Back again. Catching you all up on some of my latest projects and fun endeavors.

You all know in the world of family photography, capturing those candid moments and genuine smiles has always been my passion. However, a recent epiphany had me realizing that the dining table is often the heart of those moments. It wasn’t long before I found myself venturing into the realm of commercial & lifestyle food photography.

From the sizzle of a steak on the grill to the delicate drizzle of a signature sauce, each shot aims to capture the passion and dedication behind the culinary creations. It’s a visual feast, where every image invites the viewer to savor the experience and, perhaps, pay a visit to the establishment.

So, here’s to the unexpected twists in our creative journeys, to the fusion of family warmth with the sizzling excitement of the culinary world. Join me on this mouthwatering adventure as we explore the delightful intersection of family, lifestyle and commercial food photography.

Cheers to visual delights, unforgettable tastes, and a feast for the senses,

xx Heather

2024: Rekindling my joy of sharing

The very last day of January in this bright, new year. Here I sit. Knowing I promised myself in the new year I would return to my long, lost blog. No excuses. But good gracious- it is A LOT easier just offering up all the excuses.

My husband is standing behind me, whispering for me to just push it off for another day. (Most of you know, but for those of you who don’t…he’s the “no pressure” type. I am so thankful that I chose him. Even as a 19 year old, I must’ve known my heart and head couldn’t handle that stress.) But nope, not today mrs. procrastination. I am taking my first step to rekindling the joy of sharing.

Why would I want to rekindle the joy of sharing when it seems the world and every single human on it- is over sharing?! And why have I paused myself completely on all this social media sharing hoopla?! Ya’ll, this wasn’t a 3 month pause…this was a 4 YEAR pause!! eek!! At a glance, loads of “stuff” has happened. 2020- covid insanity, just to start. I am sure none of us need any reminders of that emotional time period, but that was when I decided to take a break from all the online sharing and posting. I needed to focus on homeschooling my 5 kiddos. My hiatus lasted longer than I predicted. Although the healthy recess from “sharing” brought me peace. I highly recommend it. 5 stars.

But it is time. I have received email after email from curious clients, all asking the same thing- “Are you still taking photos and offering photo sessions?” Clearly my website and blog were suggesting that my business may have been put on hold. oops. Fantastic news for all my gorgeous clients and future gorgeous clients: I am working all year capturing everyone’s magic and memories!

I am regularly working to grow and learn new skills and trying out fun, new locations with some brave clients. 🙂 Never a dull moment around here. I want to share it all with you. New experiences and fresh eyes will absolutely help rekindle my joy of sharing.

Thank you for welcoming me back into this creative space. Your support has always been my driving force, and I can’t wait to embark on this year’s new adventures!!

Cheers to a healthy 2024

xxoo Heather