Well Hello October

In classic Heather style, I am just now getting back to my blog to update you guys! ❤ That doesn’t mean I don’t love you- it’s just the very last thing on my list these days. Truly. I do wish I had more time to get on here and share, but until my kiddos are all in school that probably won’t happen. The good news is… I am still alive and dancing PLUS I am still photographing beautiful humans endlessly. Take that as a win win!!

I try my best to share my images, stories and life on Instagram and Facebook as much as possible- but even that comes later on my list. I just want to soak up all the time I have with my family, friends and capturing memories for all those who choose to come my way. I love watching my clients grow up in front of my lens, year after year. And lately it has seemed to be going faster than ever. Tiny newborn babies I photographed 9 years ago are little, grown people. They’re telling me stories of their lives and who their first crush is. How does this happen so quickly. Goodness.

I need to stop myself before I go down that long road of memories.

North Carolina has been insanely hot this year and although it is October, we are still rocking the 95-100 degree weather. All of us (especially photographers) are begging for a cool break with some glorious Fall color.

My fall mini sessions are in full gear now so I won’t be coming back up for air until mid December. But here are a few images that are from the past couple months- for more you’ll want to find me on social media. 🙂 I hope everyone is ready to enjoy a beautiful Fall and joyful winter! Thanks for keeping up with my crazy world!

xx Heather

Jump on in…

Davidson, NC

and the sharing continues from the last post… enjoy!! next post will be my personal pics…

let the beauty sharing begin!!! xx



Goodbye 2016…Hello 2017

Davidson, NC     {FAMILY photography, CHILDREN photography, NEWBORN photography}       March 2017


Once again…my blogging skills remain my LEAST active or scheduled talent. Sorry friends. Life happens, and almost daily I think to myself- wow, if I could sit down for 10 mins and write “this” or “that” down, it would make a hell of a story. I also think I should have another blog just for my crazy life- so all of you wanting to see photography stuff only could enjoy just that, and all the others that want to hear about the gong show at our home could read a different blog. ahhh well- it’s not happening anytime soon. So for now- I shall do my best to update you pretty people here as much as possible.

Personal part- (so you can skip past if you’d like) The last time I wrote to you I think I was pregnant…well, she is HERE! And wow what a roller coaster ride it has been! The short version of our story is…Isla Drew (“eye-la”) was born in the water in a beautiful room filled with love and support. It was magical. And the very best way to end this era of my life. (the child birthing era) She was perfection but was grunting a bit while breathing, so we ended up in the NICU for 5 days to help her transition her lungs to air. Luckily I never once had to leave her side. Finally made it home to all our boys, which was incredible. They are obsessed with their baby sister. I was just getting into the flow of things when Isla caught a cold and within 2 days we were in the ER. The process from ER to Pediatric Intensive care unit went very very quickly- and there is where we spent the next 17 LONG days fighting.  She had come down with RSV (aka the devil virus) and it attacked her and her tiny little lungs. After lungs collapsing and a horrific case of pneumonia, the doctors had to intubate her. Beyond horrific watching your tiny baby suffer. The most amazing part is- she is now healthy. She beat it. Isla is one strong little girl. Our medical care and staff at the PICU was beyond incredible. The prayers, love and endless support from our friends, clients, family and all others was also humbling. That is such an understatement. But I have no words. God works miracles. Period. He was there with us the entire time. I felt him.  “What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.”

With all that being said- I took some time off work. My camera snuggled in her pretty bag for a month and I snuggled with our angel baby. BUT now I am BACK! 🙂 Our family of now SEVEN is rocking the house and emptying grocery stores like it’s our job. So the show must go on…and my spring minis begin this weekend!!! WOOHOOO!!!! I am doing spring minis almost every weekend until June to catch up with all my precious friends and clients! Also, booking summer and fall regular sessions and newborns! Cannot wait! Don’t worry- I’ll have Isla most likely attached to me or on site with someone loving on her…so you should all get to meet her. She’s pretty awesome.

Thank you so much for supporting me and my little passion. I am so so grateful. ❤

Now I’ll attach some of the past sessions…I’m sure I’m forgetting some or many- but my Facebook page usually has MUCH better updates!! Go check it out… http://www.facebook.com/HeatherMariePhotographyNC/  or instagram @HeatherMariePhotographyNC

Oh, I’ll share of few personal pics of our past months in my next post today!! promise!!!

PS- Fall 2016 we rocked it out of the park!! Out of this world sessions to wrap up the year!!

Until next time…xx






The Rheault Family

Charlotte, NC    Family Photography, Child Photography


Nothing is more thrilling for me then a large and fun family. Yes, I know, I sound crazy. But it’s my truth. I enjoy the challenge and all the high energy.  I am driven by people and their energy so it’s 100% up my alley. It brings so much joy to me to watch a large family playing and interacting together.  In my heart I feel like it is what makes this world go round.  The Rheault Family succeeded in all these things in my eyes! Their handsome twin boys slept on their way to meet me, so in the beginning we were trying to wrangle them into a happy place…but their precious littlest man, Bentley made up for that with his happiness. I loved how peaceful & loving their Mom, Suzie was and how fun and loving their Dad, Matt was! Henry and Carson eventually woke up all the way and were ready to show me their fabulous sides of fun. The sun was breath-takingly gorgeous and our final product makes me smile from ear to ear.

Enjoy their family joy.

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