First Day of Spring!

North Carolina has handed up hot sunny days and snow all in the same exact week. WHAT is going on?! I am so pumped to say Happy First Day of Spring. I hope NC gets the memo too.

I wanted to give you all a quick update on our Momtog Photography class from this past weekend. Mind blown. I didn’t know exactly what to expect with this first class but it was magical. I keep thinking back to the first time I picked up my first DSLR, and how I was completely lost. What I would’ve given to have a class like this at my finger tips. All the tricks and simple ways of learning the basics so we can actually capture our kids in decent photos. I think everyone learned a ton and had a blast while doing so. Shooting one on one with each photographer/momtog was key in my opinion. Hands on and VERY eye opening for all of us. I’ll share some photos at the end of some of the girls in action! 🙂

In other news, lots of babies are being born and lots of spring sessions are happening over here. Here are a few fun moments from the past week!! Hope you enjoy!!


The Graves Family added a new member to their tribe late last year, sweet lil Olivia- and I was honored to come to their home and capture some fun, real-life moments!! We had such a great time!DSC_1678 copy copy

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Then I spent time with the precious Lozeau Family in uptown Charlotte- and we danced and played in the rain!! We did get some “dry” moments too, but it was a blast either way! Their little man, Julian was such a sweet boy! I hope you enjoy a few of their memories!!

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and lastly…a few pics from our momtog class! 🙂
