Over the past 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of forming connections and building relationships with numerous incredible humans. Some have come to me with stories of success, some with heartbreak, and some just needing me to tell their “now” story. Oftentimes I just wish to thank them for what they brought into my life and the valuable lessons they have taught me, and have also gifted our world. Many talented artists, many brilliant entrepreneurs, and extraordinarily passionate people from all walks of life. In fact, so many that I couldn’t even begin to count them all. Each and every one has inspired me.

This beautiful soul, that I am sharing with you all today- radiates joy. She glitters. Peace pours from her heart. The feeling is overwhelming at first. Well, for me it was. But I left her presence as a better human than when I had arrived. In just a few short hours, I captured a little snapshot into her beautiful world and her divine business. (Although, I still would argue that her business is loving humans.)

Enjoy a few highlights of Jan and her precious brand.

xx Heather

2024: Rekindling my joy of sharing

The very last day of January in this bright, new year. Here I sit. Knowing I promised myself in the new year I would return to my long, lost blog. No excuses. But good gracious- it is A LOT easier just offering up all the excuses.

My husband is standing behind me, whispering for me to just push it off for another day. (Most of you know, but for those of you who don’t…he’s the “no pressure” type. I am so thankful that I chose him. Even as a 19 year old, I must’ve known my heart and head couldn’t handle that stress.) But nope, not today mrs. procrastination. I am taking my first step to rekindling the joy of sharing.

Why would I want to rekindle the joy of sharing when it seems the world and every single human on it- is over sharing?! And why have I paused myself completely on all this social media sharing hoopla?! Ya’ll, this wasn’t a 3 month pause…this was a 4 YEAR pause!! eek!! At a glance, loads of “stuff” has happened. 2020- covid insanity, just to start. I am sure none of us need any reminders of that emotional time period, but that was when I decided to take a break from all the online sharing and posting. I needed to focus on homeschooling my 5 kiddos. My hiatus lasted longer than I predicted. Although the healthy recess from “sharing” brought me peace. I highly recommend it. 5 stars.

But it is time. I have received email after email from curious clients, all asking the same thing- “Are you still taking photos and offering photo sessions?” Clearly my website and blog were suggesting that my business may have been put on hold. oops. Fantastic news for all my gorgeous clients and future gorgeous clients: I am working all year capturing everyone’s magic and memories!

I am regularly working to grow and learn new skills and trying out fun, new locations with some brave clients. 🙂 Never a dull moment around here. I want to share it all with you. New experiences and fresh eyes will absolutely help rekindle my joy of sharing.

Thank you for welcoming me back into this creative space. Your support has always been my driving force, and I can’t wait to embark on this year’s new adventures!!

Cheers to a healthy 2024

xxoo Heather

Goodbye 2016…Hello 2017

Davidson, NC     {FAMILY photography, CHILDREN photography, NEWBORN photography}       March 2017


Once again…my blogging skills remain my LEAST active or scheduled talent. Sorry friends. Life happens, and almost daily I think to myself- wow, if I could sit down for 10 mins and write “this” or “that” down, it would make a hell of a story. I also think I should have another blog just for my crazy life- so all of you wanting to see photography stuff only could enjoy just that, and all the others that want to hear about the gong show at our home could read a different blog. ahhh well- it’s not happening anytime soon. So for now- I shall do my best to update you pretty people here as much as possible.

Personal part- (so you can skip past if you’d like) The last time I wrote to you I think I was pregnant…well, she is HERE! And wow what a roller coaster ride it has been! The short version of our story is…Isla Drew (“eye-la”) was born in the water in a beautiful room filled with love and support. It was magical. And the very best way to end this era of my life. (the child birthing era) She was perfection but was grunting a bit while breathing, so we ended up in the NICU for 5 days to help her transition her lungs to air. Luckily I never once had to leave her side. Finally made it home to all our boys, which was incredible. They are obsessed with their baby sister. I was just getting into the flow of things when Isla caught a cold and within 2 days we were in the ER. The process from ER to Pediatric Intensive care unit went very very quickly- and there is where we spent the next 17 LONG days fighting.  She had come down with RSV (aka the devil virus) and it attacked her and her tiny little lungs. After lungs collapsing and a horrific case of pneumonia, the doctors had to intubate her. Beyond horrific watching your tiny baby suffer. The most amazing part is- she is now healthy. She beat it. Isla is one strong little girl. Our medical care and staff at the PICU was beyond incredible. The prayers, love and endless support from our friends, clients, family and all others was also humbling. That is such an understatement. But I have no words. God works miracles. Period. He was there with us the entire time. I felt him.  “What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.”

With all that being said- I took some time off work. My camera snuggled in her pretty bag for a month and I snuggled with our angel baby. BUT now I am BACK! 🙂 Our family of now SEVEN is rocking the house and emptying grocery stores like it’s our job. So the show must go on…and my spring minis begin this weekend!!! WOOHOOO!!!! I am doing spring minis almost every weekend until June to catch up with all my precious friends and clients! Also, booking summer and fall regular sessions and newborns! Cannot wait! Don’t worry- I’ll have Isla most likely attached to me or on site with someone loving on her…so you should all get to meet her. She’s pretty awesome.

Thank you so much for supporting me and my little passion. I am so so grateful. ❤

Now I’ll attach some of the past sessions…I’m sure I’m forgetting some or many- but my Facebook page usually has MUCH better updates!! Go check it out…  or instagram @HeatherMariePhotographyNC

Oh, I’ll share of few personal pics of our past months in my next post today!! promise!!!

PS- Fall 2016 we rocked it out of the park!! Out of this world sessions to wrap up the year!!

Until next time…xx






The Summer disappears…

Charlotte, NC    {family photography} {child photography}


So as you all have noticed…blogging hasn’t been on the top of my list lately. Like for the past 8 months actually. eek! Which also means my itty bitty baby is 8 months old already! Where do the days go?! I have so much to share and post that I really don’t know where to begin. hmmm. Our crazy family has been bouncing off the walls and trees (as usual) and we haven’t had one moment to consider even a thought of boredom. I have been doing tons and tons of sessions all over the city and I’m loving all the gorgeous families and babies! I even had a chance to sneak in a couple camping trips and a fun commercial photo shoot on the beach for the fabulous Shades Kids in Florida! In between all the chaos my camera broke. That was not fun. Nikon took her in and gave her a lot of love…so we are together again! whew! Ohhh and our home is under contract and we are moving in just a few weeks to a new home in Davidson! Oh no big deal. Just packing up a house full of crazies and all their belongings. 🙂

I am going to do my very best to update you guys more often and keep you up to date on our move too! Say a little prayer. Hopefully I will survive the move and the beginning of school! Enjoy these gorgeous people. and all their love stories.


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ps- I have the very best 2 jobs on this planet. ❤ #mom #photographer




Spring fun!!! Bring on SUMMER!!!

Charlotte, NC    {family photography} {child photography} 

Another month passes…and I am still behind with blogging. darn. Actually it’s a month and a half to be exact. May is such a busy and fun month though. May brings on all the beautiful flowers and people…with very little rainy ruined days! NC has been blessed with incredible weather so I’ve had barely a moment away from my camera or computer. So many brand new baby miracles, graduates starting onto a new page in their lives and families coming together and sharing their stories with me and my camera. It has been full of blessings!  And since today is the first day of June, I thought I’d celebrate with a new blog post and flood your eyes with my gorgeous clients! ❤

GOAL OF THE MONTH: I am going to try to bring my camera out for my own little dudes more…so hopefully I’ll have some new photos to share with all of you soon! And one day I will start a mom blog with all the ridiculous/hilarious stories that happen to us or around us on a daily basis. Maybe that will be next month’s goal. Seriously- you guys wouldn’t even believe all the craziness that goes on around the Ras home! 🙂

Bring on Summer and all it’s awesomeness!

xo Heather

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and last but certainly not least our amazing friend Michelle has a community of friends, family and loved ones that have continued to support her through her 2nd battle with cancer…We love you <3MWA!

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The Shait Family

Charlotte, NC  {family photography, child photography}


I can’t even believe it’s time to wish lil Walt a very happy first birthday, seriously? Where does a year go? I love love love this precious Shait Family! We changed up our traditional session scenery this time and met uptown in the North Davidson area for a little urban flare! After playing around the streets we went into the fabulous Smelly Cat coffee shop for a hot chocolate and some snuggling! So fun, always! Havens, their beautiful daughter gives me every possible reason to want to steal her away and add her to our family. Her singing and dancing brings in a crowd for sure! We ended with Walt’s cake smash, with a Fat Tuesday theme…this boy was born on one fabulous Tuesday! 🙂 I hope you enjoy…I love their love!!!


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Chance + Pierceson

Denver, NC     Family Photography, Child Photography


I am beginning to think I may just stay forever behind on the blog.  Blogger FAIL. Or maybe that will be my new stylishly late flow.  Either way…let’s not judge my friends. 🙂 (who has time for that anyways!!) Instead enjoy a few gorgeous families that grabbed a spot on my calendar in this CRAZY season of Autumn!

Chance is extraordinary. She is beyond talented. seriously. I don’t know anyone with a better party planning skill set for starters. But if I went on and on about this beauty I would run out of time to post all these fab sessions! I love Chance and her handsome lil man Pierceson!  The moment she called me and asked what I had up my sleeve this year for their session, it came to me instantly…THE FAIR!!!  I just knew her style would be glowing at a fair, plus what 5 1/2 year old boy doesn’t ADORE the fair! The lights, the colors, the movement and textures, cotton candy, fried oreos (what?), ok funnel cakes and candy apples…I could not wait!!! Their fun session was even more special to me because I got to have my oldest little mini me tag along so as soon as we finished up with all our pics- we all got to enjoy the fair together!!! Making memories for sure! SO SO SO MUCH FUN!!! Hope you get to see a glimpse  of what an incredible Mother Chance is and the love/bond these two share. Moms go to the end of the earth for their babies, and no one ever has to ask. 🙂 Enjoy!!!

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and here are a few, just for fun!!

ps- the blurry wild ride shot…is this girl, and yes after that ride I almost lost my pizza and lemonade!!! eek!!!

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The Ray Family

Charlotte, NC    Family photography, Child Photography


The Ray Family is fabulous. period. I love their beautiful, large family.  All 5 of their kiddos were so incredibly behaved…even after they opened up and relaxed. They are such a joy to photograph and have such a deep love for one another.  This Mom & Dad are doing something right! 🙂  I hope to see them all again soon…and I am sure I did quite the abdominal workout that evening from all the laughing!! Enjoy their peek!!!


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sweet Peyton

 Charlotte, NC   Family and Child Photography


Tracy & Ron have such a cool story, {not that all my families don’t…} but it’s yet one more thing I adore about my job. I get to tell the love story of Tracy and Ron… which equals the precious Peyton. The Singer Family is the real life Brady Bunch…both having 2 children prior, and now with their newest addition! We decided to have their first session mainly focused on Peyton (since she is still so new), and our next session soon with all the kiddos! I loved my time with them and we had tons and tons of laughs hanging outside on their gorgeous farm.  Peyton wasn’t into the whole “sleep” thing as we had hoped, but I am so happy I was able to capture her gorgeous eyes! I hope you enjoy a few sneak peeks of their lovely family!!

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Matilda Jane love

Charlotte, NC  Child Photography, Commercial Photography


I’m sure most of you have seen me post on facebook, instagram or on here before about all the gorgeous little girl’s clothing I would put my daughter in if I had one.  I am fortunate enough to have a pretend daughter (my best friend’s little girl, Braelyn) to dream with from time to time! Matilda Jane is one of my ultimate favorite girls clothing lines out there. I have always adored their pieces and all the extra joy they bring to my photos when my clients where them. They are having a second release of their Paint by Numbers Collection and I was sent a few samples to showcase to the world on the beautiful Braelyn.  This collection is GORGEOUS!!!  I personally would wear these clothes every day if they came in my size! 🙂

The Paint by Numbers Collection is full of fun colors and character. Every piece is made special with such perfect detail. From the bursts of floral, aqua, yellow jeweled buttons, to the happy ruffles– every little girl dreams of dressing up in these! It’s so enjoyable creating endless outfits with mixing and matching all their fabulous pieces. Layering or just keeping them alone gives complete different looks, which we also love! Braelyn loved how comfy and soft all her pieces were!  She is wearing the Atmosphere Dress with the Arrow Wood Bennys, and then we added the Plum Kitten Cardigan for those cooler Autumn days.

As a photographer, we dream of our clients dressing up their little girls in Matilda Jane…the girls love feeling like princesses and it shows in their images! As a Mother, we love dressing our children in quality clothing that lasts and keeps our children young and happy for as long as we can!

To find any of these pieces and MUCH MUCH more check out Matilta Jane Clothing!!

Here are some of the shots from our lil mini Matilda Jane shoot, hope you enjoy!

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