Some personal FUN!

2 days in a row?! Now this is a big deal.

All you moms out there know how hard it is to get 3 minutes to your self. Especially when you start your day with two babies in your bed. (aka- who sleeps?!) But here I am- showered, dressed (well sort of. as long as pjs count), fed and sitting alone with my second (reheated twice) coffee actually blogging and emailing and editing away.  It’s a big deal.

I am planning on keeping things simple around here. (I write like I talk. Those of you that know me, know this.) But I do want to share a few pics of my people with you guys. Isla Drew turned ONE. WHOA. I have 5 kids now and 0 babies. That hurts. I still want 100000 babies. Which I thought that feeling was suppose to go away once you were done having kiddies. Nope. Anyways, she’s awesome and loving and silly and truly a gift. Funniest little unicorn you ever did see. She adores her brothers and they are obsessed with her. She fits right into their crazy, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Some of our sweet friends and family are in these photos as well. Life is so precious, I want to remember every moment. And every loved one.

Oh and some exciting news…my good friend Jessy (fab photog) and I are hosting our very first Photog Mama Photography class in a little over a week. I can’t wait to share all the fun with you guys. ❤

ok Happy Thursday beautiful friends!! xx


Isla and Goldie living their best lives. ❤ rocking their matching Rags! ( copyDSC_0491 copy cropDSC_0603 copyDSC_0579 copy

My niece, Kinsley celebrating her 6 month birthday with us. DSC_0426 copyDSC_0374 copyDSC_0459 copyDSC_0415 copyDSC_0298 copyDSC_0269 copy

our person. Auntie Kendyl. She gets all the love & heart eyes!!!DSC_8752 copy

Party time fun!!DSC_8474 copyDSC_8478 copyDSC_8483 copyDSC_8484 copyDSC_8486 copyDSC_8495 copyDSC_8513 copyDSC_8516 copy

Isla is ONE and Veda is TWO! BFFs for life. (they didn’t get a choice)DSC_8578 copyDSC_8617 copyDSC_8648 copyDSC_8655 copy

You guys…Shades kids clothing line is dreamy.   http://www.shadeskids.comDSC_9601 copyDSC_9757 copyDSC_9973 copyDSC_9850 copy

The Rheault Family

Charlotte, NC    Family Photography, Child Photography


Nothing is more thrilling for me then a large and fun family. Yes, I know, I sound crazy. But it’s my truth. I enjoy the challenge and all the high energy.  I am driven by people and their energy so it’s 100% up my alley. It brings so much joy to me to watch a large family playing and interacting together.  In my heart I feel like it is what makes this world go round.  The Rheault Family succeeded in all these things in my eyes! Their handsome twin boys slept on their way to meet me, so in the beginning we were trying to wrangle them into a happy place…but their precious littlest man, Bentley made up for that with his happiness. I loved how peaceful & loving their Mom, Suzie was and how fun and loving their Dad, Matt was! Henry and Carson eventually woke up all the way and were ready to show me their fabulous sides of fun. The sun was breath-takingly gorgeous and our final product makes me smile from ear to ear.

Enjoy their family joy.

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