Some personal FUN!

2 days in a row?! Now this is a big deal.

All you moms out there know how hard it is to get 3 minutes to your self. Especially when you start your day with two babies in your bed. (aka- who sleeps?!) But here I am- showered, dressed (well sort of. as long as pjs count), fed and sitting alone with my second (reheated twice) coffee actually blogging and emailing and editing away.  It’s a big deal.

I am planning on keeping things simple around here. (I write like I talk. Those of you that know me, know this.) But I do want to share a few pics of my people with you guys. Isla Drew turned ONE. WHOA. I have 5 kids now and 0 babies. That hurts. I still want 100000 babies. Which I thought that feeling was suppose to go away once you were done having kiddies. Nope. Anyways, she’s awesome and loving and silly and truly a gift. Funniest little unicorn you ever did see. She adores her brothers and they are obsessed with her. She fits right into their crazy, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Some of our sweet friends and family are in these photos as well. Life is so precious, I want to remember every moment. And every loved one.

Oh and some exciting news…my good friend Jessy (fab photog) and I are hosting our very first Photog Mama Photography class in a little over a week. I can’t wait to share all the fun with you guys. ❤

ok Happy Thursday beautiful friends!! xx


Isla and Goldie living their best lives. ❤ rocking their matching Rags! ( copyDSC_0491 copy cropDSC_0603 copyDSC_0579 copy

My niece, Kinsley celebrating her 6 month birthday with us. DSC_0426 copyDSC_0374 copyDSC_0459 copyDSC_0415 copyDSC_0298 copyDSC_0269 copy

our person. Auntie Kendyl. She gets all the love & heart eyes!!!DSC_8752 copy

Party time fun!!DSC_8474 copyDSC_8478 copyDSC_8483 copyDSC_8484 copyDSC_8486 copyDSC_8495 copyDSC_8513 copyDSC_8516 copy

Isla is ONE and Veda is TWO! BFFs for life. (they didn’t get a choice)DSC_8578 copyDSC_8617 copyDSC_8648 copyDSC_8655 copy

You guys…Shades kids clothing line is dreamy.   http://www.shadeskids.comDSC_9601 copyDSC_9757 copyDSC_9973 copyDSC_9850 copy

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