February!? REALLY???

Charlotte, NC   {UPDATES and more UPDATES}


Is it really the 19th of February? As I sit here nursing my new little guy (sorry if that’s too much of a visual) and writing, I am dumbfounded at the fact that January just disappeared and really so did December. I have yet to blog in 2015…whoa that’s pathetic!!!  Let’s start there.

It is 2015!!! woohooo HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We all survived 2014!! I had an incredible year of gorgeous families and I couldn’t be more grateful. I feel so blessed! Lots of babies were brought into the world and I am so lucky to have met and photographed lots of them! We welcomed our 4th little man on Dec 11th as well. He is perfect. We ended 2014 with a bang. I still can’t believe I am really a mom of four handsome boys!!! As you can imagine…this is part of the reason January and now February have completely disappeared. Four wild boys.

On another note…I went back to work pretty quickly after he was born and he just comes along for the ride with me. My sitter or friends come too and help out with little Beck man while I do what I love and can focus on my clients. It’s been amazing so far! I am learning to edit while holding a sleeping baby, and sometimes an eating baby too. I love having a partner to chat to while I go on long editing stretches.

I am so excited about all my upcoming trips this year…and all the fun clients I will get to photograph all over. I know it will be another memorable year meeting and capturing many new families, as well as watching my long time clients change and grow their families.

CHEERS to 2015 and all it’s beauty. To cupcakes. To friendships. To love. To puppies. To coffee. To warm snuggles. To babies laughing. To you.

Cheers to a year of seeing the best in people, and seeing the beauty in the light.

Here are a few images of our newest addition…enjoy xoxo

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Charlotte, NC  personal lifestyle photography

We rarely, if ever, get snow here in Charlotte but a few weeks ago we defied the odds and the snow fairy brought our three boys a pretty heavy snow storm! I had to post a few fun pics for everyone to enjoy! ps- I’m almost certain my husband had just as much fun as our 3 wild boys!

I walked outside and found these to fishy characters…needless to say, I was covered in snowballs very quickly.

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